“Surging populations and economies in the developing world will cause a double crunch in demand for water and energy in the coming decades.” — UN

Demand for freshwater and energy will continue to increase over the coming decades to meet the needs of growing populations and economies, changing lifestyles and evolving consumption patterns, greatly amplifying existing pressures on limited natural resources and on ecosystems.  Lack of access to water and sustainable energy is an aggravating factor for poverty in present modern age.

As per the UN report on water and energy crises,

  • Global water demand is likely to increase by 55 per cent by 2050.
  • Asia will be the biggest hotspot for bust-ups over water extraction, where water sources straddle national borders. “Areas of conflict include the Aral Sea and the Ganges-Brahmaputra River, Indus River and Mekong River basins
  • Global energy demand is expected to grow by more than a third by 2035, with China, India and Middle Eastern countries accounting for 60 per cent of the increase.
  • In 2010, energy production gobbled up 66 billion cubic meters (2,300 billion cu. feet) of fresh water — more than the average annual flow of the River Nile in Egypt. 
  • By 2035, this consumption could rise by 85 per cent, driven by power plant cooling systems that work with water.


To tackle water and energy issues, industries need to adopt innovative water and energy saving technology to keep remains in competitive position in world textile market.

The Ultimate solution is to reduce energy and water consumption in processing area with G2 Technology.